Practical Web Access Statistics – Deep Log Analyzer

Do you know who has been visiting your web site? Do you know the search engine that refers visitors to your web site most of the time? Do you know what operating systems, browser, the number of hits and other crucial information about your web site visitors?

If you do not answer yes to most of the questions above then you need to download and use our practical and useful web user statistics software – Deep Log Analyzer. The software is designed for getting detailed in-depth overview of visitor behavior on a web site and making decisions on improving your site navigation, visibility, customer experience, etc. Our web log reporting tool works with every site – regardless of the technology used – be it static HTML site or a dynamic ASP or PHP site and proved to be very reliable and effective.

You can start collecting valuable web site statistics information about your web site today. Download a free trial edition and experience all the advantages of the site analytics program before you buy it!

Focus on Marketing Performance of your Web Site! Take Advantage of Web Access Statistics

You can discover what works better for your site. Use this information to refocus your budget on the keywords and services that perform best for you and save money right away.

Find out which keywords are generating sales or leads! Measuring and studying visitor tracking information provided by Deep Log Analyzer – web access statistics software you can start your website optimization based on a stronger search engine marketing strategy.

Make sure your web site is working for you! Deep Log Analyzer – the practical web user statistics program is the easy-to-use and affordable web analysis software that allows you to monitor your web site traffic and IP session statistics. Use this information to your advantage and improve the efficiency of your web site.