Sept 27, 2004
- New reports group called “Site Navigation” that includes 3 new useful reports:
- Popular Paths through Site shows the list of typical ways users take while navigating your website;
- Came from Page report shows from which pages users came to the particular page
- Left to Page report show where users went after leaving certain page on the website
These reports will work only on newly imported logs. Reimport logs in old projects to view these reports on your olad data.
- Database has a new table called VisitorPath that includes all paths users take while navigating the website. DLA will convert databases to the new format when you open your old projects. This may take a while. Old database is saved in hit.bak file for the case if something goes wrong.
- Visitors Bouncing Rate report shows how many users entered the website through the particular web page and exited the site right away (bounced). This allows to estimate quality of your website landing pages and improve website browsing rate.
- Reports “Visitor Stay Length” and “Number of Visits per Visitor” are now easier to read as they include intervals instead of numerous multiple records
- Export General Stats report to html
- Empty fields in some reports have been replaced with the explaining text, for example “No Referrer”
- Recognition of Mozilla Firefox browser
- Header and footer on every page in printed reports
- Updated IP-To-Country Database
- Many minor improvements and fixes